Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Ninety Eight: Smart Like A Fox Or Dumb As A Post

Had BO and the Dems passed a health care plan prior to the Massacre in MA, they would have been annihilated in the November mid-term elections. As it is, BO is now free to withdraw the health bill which ONLY Dems supported, and instead come up with something much smaller which perhaps a handful of Republicans can support. Whether by accident or on purpose, the MA result has saved BO's ass, for now.

What BO and his folks have not noticed, or are intentionally ignoring, is that most votes in November of 2008 were not cast for Obama; they were cast against Bush. The majority of Americans don't want an explosion of government. They just want government to defend the borders, give us safe food and medicine, and then stay the hell out of our lives.

At the beginning of his reign, King BO had goodwill galore. He had supporters who ordinarily would not support a Dem, especially one who had no experience at doing anything except making speeches and leeching off his wife's income. He took all that support and interpreted it as a sign from the heavens that he was "special," and could remake the world according to BO.

In BO's mea cupla with Stephanopolous last night, I still didn't see any humility. I don't think he's capable of having any.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Ninety Seven: Anybody Seen Biden?

Where's Joe? I suspect at least two things have happened. First, there is probably a fair amount of mutual contempt between Biden and all of the BO minions. The BO crowd sees JB as a political hack/has been. And Joe see the BO people as idiots and starry-eyed neophytes. Those kinds of feels don't engender good working relationships.

Second, JB is 67 years old, and spent the last 36 years or so lining his pockets in the Senate. He has a pretty cushy lifestyle now. He has people to wait on his every whim and worship him. My guess is he's pretty content to live out his political days being a kind of elder statesman (or at least playing one), and continuing his life of high class welfare. After all, who the hell would ever hire him for a real job?

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Ninety Six: Desperation and Arrogance

One breeds the other, and BO and his band of merry liberals have both in abundance. On ascending to power, BO must have assumed that the world - literally - would bow down to his presumed super intelligence and wisdom. The media coronation of King BO was mighty short-lived. He fell victim to his own arrogance, and now desperation reigns supreme, only his arrogance will not allow him to realize it. Whenever and wherever his seeks to impose his will (Chicago Olympic bid, VA governor race, Copenhagen climate conference), he is met with reality. The world does not want King BO to remake the world in His own image. It simply wants him to preside over superficial and ceremonial functions, like Queen Liz. Maybe BO should go visit her and get some advice.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Ninety Five: Tim Geithner & AIG

Yet another story in today's WSJ about Little Timmy's incestuous relationship with AIG. This time it's over AIG reluctance (or NY Fed instruction) to hide the existence of bonus payouts at a time when the company's financial health should have precluded that sort of thing, at least to any rational person.

But when you're playing a game with other people's money (and in this case Little Timmy and AIG were both using taxpayer dollars, our money), rationality has a different definition that it does for those of us living our lives and trying to create and save personal wealth. Little Timmy interest is in feathering his own nest, creating and saving his reputation, and preparing his future at Goldman Sachs. Neither Daryl Issa or any taxpayer advocacy group will ever change this dynamic. Little Timmy will just be replaced by another government bureaucrat doing time until he can morph into an investment banker in the private sector. So what do we, the little people do?

By every means posible, limit what you send to Washington and every other government entity. Vote against every incumbent politician at every level. Vote for every initiative which limits the time a politican can exist on public money. Look for ways to bankrupty government programs. Or, try to become president of the NY Fed.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Ninety Four: Cell Phone Etiquette

Why do people answer their cell phones when they know they cannot talk? In the last twenty four hours I have called two people - one in an physician's exam room with the physician actually present, the other with his wife at another couple's home - who definitely should not have been talking to me. But they answered anyway. Why? In both cases I knew that they knew it was I calling (they have caller ID). And they both knew if it was anything earth-shaking I would leave a message which they could retrieve with seconds. Or I would have texted the emergency if there was one.

Don't be rude to the people who are graciously giving you their time and attention. Ignore the incoming call until you can talk.