Wednesday, November 17, 2010

One Hundred Eleven: Walsh

So Bean has conceded, and now Walsh is, by definition, the biggest welfare recipient in the IL Eighth District. Obviously there is the $174K salary and fully vested retirement benefits after working just 5 years. But of course there is also the panoply of perks and ability to hand out favors to various people and entities willing to pay bribes.

Does this sound jaded and cynical? Of course. It's the product of watching government suck the life out of private citizens for 58 years.

Monday, November 15, 2010

One Hundred Ten: Government v. The People

The relationship between the government and the governed will always be adversarial. We, the people, will never get our moneys worth from the thieves and hacks who mooch off of the rest of us. The problem is that the "rest of us" is getting smaller and smaller. Each year, the percentage of the working population employed by government at some level increases. It never goes down, it always goes up. Eventually, we must all necessarily work for the government. Then what?

Sunday, November 7, 2010

109: Florida

What's good about Florida? Golf. Great weather for cigars. They treat old people with respect. No income tax. Obviously there are many more reasons, which accounts for the demographic influx of the last couple of centuries.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

One hundred Eight: Bean II

It's now looking slightly better that Bean will be out as Rep for IL Eighth. Couldn't come a moment too soon. Personally, I have tried to contact Bean for several years, and she ALWAYS dodged me. Bean is afraid of any voter who could expose her woeful incompetence in any area save accepting donations from financial services companies, which is exactly why Rahmbo put her on that committee.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Monday, November 1, 2010

One Hundred Seven: Bean is History?

Although she has not conceded, M Bean is currently losing to Walsh in IL 8th Congressional District by a slim 500 votes or so. I'm afraid the Dems could manufacture these votes (and more) in the 4 or 5 Cook County precincts yet to report results. While I know nothing about Walsh (I hear he's a two time bankrupt loser), this is the usual case where ANYBODY is better than the totally incompetent Beanster.