Tuesday, November 25, 2014

181: Problems in Coloured Communities

BO says in justifying Ferguson looters, "communities of colour are not just making these problems up. "  Quote is from Economist. Does anyone in sycophant media ever challenge these inane statements?

Friday, November 14, 2014

180: Stupid Voters

Of course Jonathan Gruber, MIT dude and Obamacare architect, is correct when he refers to the "stupidity of the American voter" as a factor in how Obamacare was designed and passed into law.  How else can you explain the 30 and 40 year careers of so many politicians.  We keep electing persons who rob us blind, are grossly over-compensated, and are almost always unqualified to do anything other accept handouts.  For this they call themselves public "servants." HA!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

179: 2014 Election Aftermath

As I write this I am listening to the BO press conference.  How pathetic this man truly is.  If ever there was a man over-matched by a job, BO is it.  He is whipped, finished, sapped.  And he knows it.  His arrogance is gone (thank God).  He is an empty suit.  He is irrelevant.  The country, and especially his own political party, have elected him, given him the benefit of the doubt, waited for him to perform, watched him miserably fail over six years, and now moved on.