Saturday, December 13, 2014

184: Writing Off BO

In the above link andy Kohut asks if BO is being written off too soon. HA!  Andy should ask all those Dems who have been booted out of office in the past four years.

Friday, December 5, 2014

183: In General, Not Exclusively

As I watch the current media circus surrounding Ferguson and NYC police issues, I am struck by my own stereotypical beliefs, based completely on my own personal observations and experiences.  Oftentimes I developed these beliefs against what I actually wanted to believe.  But direct personal experience always trumps fantasy.  The following statements are all preceded with the qualifier, "In general."  I am NOT saying "always" or "exclusively" or "absolutely." 

Car salesmen are liars.

Lawyers are arrogant.

Police are power hungry and insecure.

Black persons who have been beneficiaries of affirmative action are incompetent.

Politicians are self-serving and greedy.

Journalists report their own opinions, rather than facts.

Government bureaucrats are inefficient and incompetent.

Women in business make decisions based on emotions rather than logic.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

182: Republicans For National Health Care

If a Republican with a national following, like Christie, or Jeb Bush, or Jindal, or Corker, or Walker - there are lots of them - came out in favor of national health care, he would walk away with the next presidential election.  Our health care system is so fouled up it cannot be fixed, except by amputation.  The first thing to do is to amputate all of the various insurance companies charging administrative fees and overhead in competing to provide the exact same services.  Whether you get your insurance through BCBS or Aetna or Cigna or United Health you get the same medical services from your doc or hospital.  Why have all these different entities and different systems for the same services?

Create a tax to pay for health care services, but structure the tax to incentivize taxpayers to be healthy.  The national health care agency would also reimburse docs and hospitals to incentivize them to cure patients, rather than treating them over and over for the same condition. 

A Republican who adopts this platform will be a winner.