To Charles Blow, David Remmick, E.J. Dionne, Eugene Robinson and the rest of the "educated" elite class of New York-Washington judgmental hacks: Get over it. To quote an educated man, "Elections have consequences." You fear for your country? So did we if the country had gone from the arrogant and inept Obama to the evil and corrupt Clinton.
Now there is a slight chance of allowing American ingenuity and business to do what it does best - innovate and create jobs to improve the standard of living for all Americans do good in the world. We "deplorables" will ignore you intellectually dishonest partisans who think anyone who disagrees with you is ignorant and racist. We will ignore your hate-filled invective that now fills your worthless columns. Or better yet, I'll use them to line my cat's litter box. That's where your words belong.
Thursday, November 10, 2016
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
221: Why Are Dems So Gullible?
At breakfast this morning, a dear friend of mine said, "Betsy DeVos (nominee for Secretary of Ed under Trump) had contributed $9.5 million to Trump." Although I already knew my friend to be a hopelessly brainwashed Democrat dependent on government largess due to irresponsible personal financial habits, I nevertheless pushed back against so obvious a ridiculous statement. "Where had he heard or read this," I queried? He was obviously taken aback and mumbled something about the NYT or Washington Post.
Later in the day, I researched the subject and found not a shred of evidence of any such outrageous contributions to Trump. In point of fact, it turns out the Ms DeVos did not even support Trump until after the convention.
The point is, how did my friend fall victim to whatever sources he has for this obviously bad information? And how has he become so comfortable believing it?
Later in the day, I researched the subject and found not a shred of evidence of any such outrageous contributions to Trump. In point of fact, it turns out the Ms DeVos did not even support Trump until after the convention.
The point is, how did my friend fall victim to whatever sources he has for this obviously bad information? And how has he become so comfortable believing it?
219: Phew! I'm Glad That's Over
The last 24 years since 1992 have been like a long nightmare, with the Clintons and their sleaze game at the top of political heap the whole time. Now the nightmare is over, and if BO wants to pardon Hillary I'm just fine with that. Let her go out to pasture and live the rest of her days thinking of what might have been. The Clintons no longer have anything to sell. They pretty much picked clean the skeleton of the Democrat party, and now that political party is paying the price.
Monday, November 7, 2016
218: End Of Friend Days
Tomorrow is election day in the USA. Hillary is the odds on favorite to win. When she takes office, she will continue the relentless expansion and power grab of government to redistribute wealth from those who work to those who don't. The only exception is those who work for the government. They will prosper, but of course they don't create any value. The incentive to work to create value will continue to vanish.
I was reading about Winston Churchill's loss of friends as he railed against the appeasement policies of Chamberlain, as Chamberlain naively appeased Hitler. This is no different. My wrong-headed family and friends who are going to vote for Clinton, as they voted for BO twice before, will fade from my circle. Churchill turned out to be right, and so shall I, but at what cost?
I was reading about Winston Churchill's loss of friends as he railed against the appeasement policies of Chamberlain, as Chamberlain naively appeased Hitler. This is no different. My wrong-headed family and friends who are going to vote for Clinton, as they voted for BO twice before, will fade from my circle. Churchill turned out to be right, and so shall I, but at what cost?
Wednesday, November 2, 2016
217: If BO Pardons Hillary
If Hillary wins, and then BO pardons her for all crimes committed during her reign as secretary of state, all Americans who did NOT vote for Hillary should stop paying federal income tax.
Thursday, September 22, 2016
216: Patriots Are For Trump
Let me be clear: Although I have never met Donald Trump, his persona, as displayed in the entertainment sphere is not attractive to me. Perhaps he is a fine fellow to do business with, or to play golf with. I just don't know.
But as for who is better qualified to head up an organization (the United States government) that is hell bent on self destruction, anyone who votes for Hillary over Trump is definitely NOT a patriot. Patriots believe in upholding and defending the principles and values upon which this country is founded. Freedom, self-reliance, justice, are not values of Hillaryism. Hillary believes that government should run virtually every facet of our lives. She also believes that the vast majority of us are incapable of making decisions about what is in our best interest. Only Big Government can do that, she says.
Institutionalized Republicans are no better than Hillary. They only want to preserve and grow the status quo, and continue to feather their own nests.
I read somewhere recently a description of Trump as a "wrecking ball." This is exactly what Washington, D.C. needs. If we don't reform our governing class, the only certain outcome will be revolution.
But as for who is better qualified to head up an organization (the United States government) that is hell bent on self destruction, anyone who votes for Hillary over Trump is definitely NOT a patriot. Patriots believe in upholding and defending the principles and values upon which this country is founded. Freedom, self-reliance, justice, are not values of Hillaryism. Hillary believes that government should run virtually every facet of our lives. She also believes that the vast majority of us are incapable of making decisions about what is in our best interest. Only Big Government can do that, she says.
Institutionalized Republicans are no better than Hillary. They only want to preserve and grow the status quo, and continue to feather their own nests.
I read somewhere recently a description of Trump as a "wrecking ball." This is exactly what Washington, D.C. needs. If we don't reform our governing class, the only certain outcome will be revolution.
215: The Over-Educated
One of the more widely used descriptions of Trump supporters used by the in-the-tank-for-Hillary national media is, "less educated white voters." The clear inferences that the media wants one to take from this are: First, less educated means dumber. Second, less educated white voters are different from less educated black, brown and yellow voters. Third, if a less educated white voter got a college degree, he or she would be smarter and suddenly become a Hillary suppporter.
Leaving aside the media's racial profiling, I think the most telling observation here is that the media equates formal education with the ability and intelligence to make an informed decision about a candidate for national office. I have many friends and acquaintances with four year and/or advanced degrees who voted for BO twice, and will certainly vote for Hillary. Most of these folks will blindly accept as truth any snarky comment made on NPR or MSNBC. But they will not take the time to read and consider a well researched and reasoned article if it is in the WSJ. These people are over educated, and the product of an insular environment that excludes any information that does not comport with their conventional "wisdom." The Federal Reserve System Open Market Committee is a perfect microcosm of this kind of over education run rampant. A group of PhDs trying to convince themselves (and everyone else) that their Committee, and ONLY THEIR COMMITTEE, can direct an economy of three hundred million people by raising interest rates by one quarter of one percent per year.
But I digress. Back to the less educated white voters. The Deplorables, as Hillary calls them. I suppose at the media cocktail parties, less educated white voters is abbreviated to "white trash." These voters tend not to be beneficiaries of government largess. They receive Social Security and Medicare, but then they have paid into those programs for a lifetime. They do not receive preferential treatment for education or employment. They work hard, They save money for retirement. They pay their taxes. And what do they get in return? They get eight years of BO telling them they should be ashamed of their country, and the prospect of seeing the next eight years of runaway government expansion presided over by a congenital liar. No wonder we have Donald Trump.
Leaving aside the media's racial profiling, I think the most telling observation here is that the media equates formal education with the ability and intelligence to make an informed decision about a candidate for national office. I have many friends and acquaintances with four year and/or advanced degrees who voted for BO twice, and will certainly vote for Hillary. Most of these folks will blindly accept as truth any snarky comment made on NPR or MSNBC. But they will not take the time to read and consider a well researched and reasoned article if it is in the WSJ. These people are over educated, and the product of an insular environment that excludes any information that does not comport with their conventional "wisdom." The Federal Reserve System Open Market Committee is a perfect microcosm of this kind of over education run rampant. A group of PhDs trying to convince themselves (and everyone else) that their Committee, and ONLY THEIR COMMITTEE, can direct an economy of three hundred million people by raising interest rates by one quarter of one percent per year.
But I digress. Back to the less educated white voters. The Deplorables, as Hillary calls them. I suppose at the media cocktail parties, less educated white voters is abbreviated to "white trash." These voters tend not to be beneficiaries of government largess. They receive Social Security and Medicare, but then they have paid into those programs for a lifetime. They do not receive preferential treatment for education or employment. They work hard, They save money for retirement. They pay their taxes. And what do they get in return? They get eight years of BO telling them they should be ashamed of their country, and the prospect of seeing the next eight years of runaway government expansion presided over by a congenital liar. No wonder we have Donald Trump.
Saturday, August 6, 2016
214: BO Is Afraid, And He Should Be
BO is now spending more time trying to convince the electorate that Trump is "unfit" to be president than BO is spending doing the job that BO is supposed to be doing. Maybe that's because BO is THE most spectacularly unqualified person to ever be president.
If Trump is elected it will rightly be a repudiation of everything BO has done. BO will be exposed for the intellectual fraud that he is. But I highly doubt this dream scenario will happen.
I had breakfast today with three dear friends who can't see the forest for the trees. They all get their opinions from MSNBC. They think that snarky comments from persons like Rachel Maddow are profound. What a pity. If they would only read, instead of watching TV. perhaps they could use their brains and actually make an informed decision. These friends are very typical of the American masses. This is not going to end well.
If Trump is elected it will rightly be a repudiation of everything BO has done. BO will be exposed for the intellectual fraud that he is. But I highly doubt this dream scenario will happen.
I had breakfast today with three dear friends who can't see the forest for the trees. They all get their opinions from MSNBC. They think that snarky comments from persons like Rachel Maddow are profound. What a pity. If they would only read, instead of watching TV. perhaps they could use their brains and actually make an informed decision. These friends are very typical of the American masses. This is not going to end well.
Wednesday, August 3, 2016
213: Who's Qualified To Be President?
BO burps out some claptrap about Trump being unqualified or unfit to be president. The main stream media, in the bag for Hillary, puts out print, video, and every other kind of coverage it can to give credence to the "unfit Trump" narrative. The vast majority of US citizens buy into the claptrap in the same way they think large banks and insurance companies and auto manufacturers "care" about them.
BO set the bar for unfitness to be prez. After BO, anyone with a pulse is qualified.
Monday, August 1, 2016
212: In The Arena
So BO thinks Hillary would be a good president because "she has been in the arena." I guess BO is saying that Hillary, like BO, has never had a real job other than sucking the life blood out of taxpayers. If BO had any knowledge of the real world, he would know that if anyone in this political process has been "in the arena," it's Trump. Say what you will about him, but Trump has made his name a worldwide brand, and he has done it without taxpayer money. He has also failed multiple times. But this is what being "in the arena" means. You take risks when you get "in the arena." Hillary obviously never risks anything. She calculates what she should tell people she believes in to get votes. Probably her only core belief is that she thinks she knows what is best for everyone else, so that her means justify her ends. That's why she's such a good liar.
Wednesday, July 13, 2016
211: To Governing Class, Laws Mean Nothing
Both Republican and Democrat establishment types (meaning just about every individual with a vested interest in growing government at some level) are scared shitless of Donald Trump. Trump has the best chance of any person in my lifetime to do some serious damage to the governing class (the group that creates laws and regulations that generally apply only to the non-governing class). Just the idea of Trump is anathema to someone who is completely supported by taking hard-earned money away from taxpayers and using it to advance their own self interests.
The most recent and egregious example of the governing class fear of Trump is the refusal of the FBI and DOJ to enforce laws that Hillary has almost certainly violated. But the governing class knows that to indict Hillary would be to hand Trump a huge advantage in his presidential bid. So, Hillary gets a pass, and the governing class shows its contempt for the rest of us.
Why would anyone with half a brain have any respect for the law, and those who create it?
The most recent and egregious example of the governing class fear of Trump is the refusal of the FBI and DOJ to enforce laws that Hillary has almost certainly violated. But the governing class knows that to indict Hillary would be to hand Trump a huge advantage in his presidential bid. So, Hillary gets a pass, and the governing class shows its contempt for the rest of us.
Why would anyone with half a brain have any respect for the law, and those who create it?
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
210: USGA DJ Ruling
Less than twenty four hours after the USGA completely bungled what otherwise was a fantastic golf competition and performance by Dustin Johnson, the USAG issued a "statement" wherein it attempted to rationalize its actions. I suspect that in the 24 hour period, the USGA suffered a monsoon of resignations from persons like me, long time supporters. The "statement" itself read as though it was written by Hillary's lawyers. It didn't phase me. If anything, I am more certain of my decision to dissociate myself from the USGA until it completely cleans house and replaces all top management.
Monday, June 13, 2016
209: Storm Clouds
1. We have a quasi-President who refers to ISIS as a "JV squad" as ISIS organizes and carries out terror missions globally.
2. We have $17 trillion in US debt, $11 trillion of which has been incurred since BO took office.
3. Stock markets are at or near all time highs.
4. Interest rates for savers have been stuck at near zero for nine years, putting older Americans who have saved for a lifetime in the position of seeing their savings melt away.
5. The likely next US Prez is a pathological liar.
6. The demographic group of US citizens aged 50 and younger has no institutional memory of Vietnam, Nixon, or money market funds paying 19%.
7. The same above mentioned demographic group is inter-and-intra-connected 24/7, yet cannot communicate in complete sentences or correct, like, you know, grammar.
8. The US has one lawyer for every 433 persons, which is three times the number of lawyers in Great Britain, which is swarming with lawyers, and has three times the number of lawyers as Japan.
9. Institutional money managers of pension funds invest in companies that have NO EARNINGS.
10. The Chicago Cubs are in first place by ten games.
2. We have $17 trillion in US debt, $11 trillion of which has been incurred since BO took office.
3. Stock markets are at or near all time highs.
4. Interest rates for savers have been stuck at near zero for nine years, putting older Americans who have saved for a lifetime in the position of seeing their savings melt away.
5. The likely next US Prez is a pathological liar.
6. The demographic group of US citizens aged 50 and younger has no institutional memory of Vietnam, Nixon, or money market funds paying 19%.
7. The same above mentioned demographic group is inter-and-intra-connected 24/7, yet cannot communicate in complete sentences or correct, like, you know, grammar.
8. The US has one lawyer for every 433 persons, which is three times the number of lawyers in Great Britain, which is swarming with lawyers, and has three times the number of lawyers as Japan.
9. Institutional money managers of pension funds invest in companies that have NO EARNINGS.
10. The Chicago Cubs are in first place by ten games.
Monday, May 16, 2016
207: We Haven't Come That Far
In the first five years after the United States became a federation, the biggest concern of the chief executive (a guy names George W.) was that the settlers in the wilderness of Ohio and Kentucky territories had more in common with Great Britain and France and Spain than with the moneyed interests behind the new federal government. He was right to be concerned. It is still the case today.
Most of our country, outside of NYC and Hollywood, has very little in common with the political and economic power brokers in DC. If the average citizen took the time to analyze the minuscule benefit he/she gets from his/her tax dollars, he/she would be rightly appalled.
When Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren complain about the the money center banks being "too big too fail," they should really be looking at the federal government. Break the US into about four or five different countries - the Northeast US; the deep south US (the old CSA); California; the West US; and the Middle US. Let the Northeast and California keep DC - they deserve it.
Most of our country, outside of NYC and Hollywood, has very little in common with the political and economic power brokers in DC. If the average citizen took the time to analyze the minuscule benefit he/she gets from his/her tax dollars, he/she would be rightly appalled.
When Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren complain about the the money center banks being "too big too fail," they should really be looking at the federal government. Break the US into about four or five different countries - the Northeast US; the deep south US (the old CSA); California; the West US; and the Middle US. Let the Northeast and California keep DC - they deserve it.
Friday, April 22, 2016
206: Political Depression
I am very depressed over the state of politics and government in the USA. To wit:
The Dems are about to nominate a woman for president who is a shifty, scheming, pathological liar.
The Republicans are about to nominate a quasi-successful businessman for president, but the Republican establishment is afraid of him, and is willing to cave to Hillary.
The national debt of the USA is about $13 trillion, and no one is talking about it.
The Secretary of the Treasury, Jack Lew, instead of focusing on a looming economic disaster, has decided to re-face the US currency with six women who have minimal historic significance.
The national capital of the US is a booming economy, based solely on taking resources from working men and women, and producing nothing in return.
The Federal Reserve System (the Fed) is a bumbling bunch of eggheads acting only in the interests of politicians who grant authority to the Fed.
It's not wonder why I'm depressed.
The Dems are about to nominate a woman for president who is a shifty, scheming, pathological liar.
The Republicans are about to nominate a quasi-successful businessman for president, but the Republican establishment is afraid of him, and is willing to cave to Hillary.
The national debt of the USA is about $13 trillion, and no one is talking about it.
The Secretary of the Treasury, Jack Lew, instead of focusing on a looming economic disaster, has decided to re-face the US currency with six women who have minimal historic significance.
The national capital of the US is a booming economy, based solely on taking resources from working men and women, and producing nothing in return.
The Federal Reserve System (the Fed) is a bumbling bunch of eggheads acting only in the interests of politicians who grant authority to the Fed.
It's not wonder why I'm depressed.
Monday, February 29, 2016
205: Why We Have Trump
There could never have been Trump for president had we not first experienced Obama as president. BO set the precedent for electing a president based solely on appearance (black) and completely devoid of any executive experience for the most complicated executive office in the world. Once elected, BO governed as a petulant college student who had never balanced a check book. In the midst of the worst financial crisis of several generations, BO chose to expand the federal government's productivity crushing influence and control into health care and financial services at alarming rates. There may well be only one person in the entire BO cabinet who knows to read a balance sheet, and that guy (Jack Lew) played a huge role in running Citi into the ditch.
Almost all of what Trump spews is anathema to the BO image and agenda. Voters like that. Thus, we have Trump precisely because we first had BO.
Almost all of what Trump spews is anathema to the BO image and agenda. Voters like that. Thus, we have Trump precisely because we first had BO.
Friday, February 5, 2016
204: President Bonehead Oil Tax Proposal
Barack Obama walks into a bar. This could be the first line of a great joke, which is what BO proposed today. A $10 per barrel oil tax? From a lame duck president? With a Republican controlled congress? What a screamer. I'm sure Bernie will endorse this tax. Will Hillary?
Even if BO was serious, which of course he is not, who would this tax benefit, and who would it hurt? Millionaires and billionaires would never change their behavior on account of this tax. But a family of four with annual income of, say, $50K, would be devastated. More proof that Democrats are stupid.
Even if BO was serious, which of course he is not, who would this tax benefit, and who would it hurt? Millionaires and billionaires would never change their behavior on account of this tax. But a family of four with annual income of, say, $50K, would be devastated. More proof that Democrats are stupid.
203: Democrats Love A Liar
Democrats certainly love their liars. How else could Hillary stay on top of the heap? Democrats felt the same way about Bubba. After he was impeached for lying under oath, every Democrat member of Congress gathered on the steps of the Capitol building and stood by their man. Of course most of these Democrats don't care about the lying because they stupidly believe that Hillary and the other liars are actually laboring away for the masses.
But even by politician standards, and even by Democrat standards, Hillary certainly takes the cake. And the nitwit network talking heads are just as complicit as the ordinary rank and file Democrat idiots.
Martha Stewart went to jail for telling lies that would be considered tame compared to some of Hillary's whoppers. When will the idiots wake up?
But even by politician standards, and even by Democrat standards, Hillary certainly takes the cake. And the nitwit network talking heads are just as complicit as the ordinary rank and file Democrat idiots.
Martha Stewart went to jail for telling lies that would be considered tame compared to some of Hillary's whoppers. When will the idiots wake up?
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