Monday, June 12, 2017

226: Things We Remember

One summer day when I was about five years old, I was playing with friends in Burke's front yard, our neighbors.  The Burke house was a two-story, red brick affair at the corner of Walkup and Hill Drive in Crystal Lake, two house down from us.

Whatever activity we were engaged in was interrupted when I saw a Bazooka Joe bubble gum wrapper hovering in the air.  The gum wrapper was attractive to me not only because it was apparently flying on its own, but even more so because gum was, like television, a kind of forbidden fruit for us.  I reached for it, and unfortunately the wrapper was being flown around by a large bumble bee, which promptly stung me on the inside of my left thigh.  I have never touched another piece of bubble gum.

Just about every time I see a bumble bee, I recall Bazooka Joe and the flying bubble gum wrapper.

Friday, June 9, 2017

225: I Voted For Trump (But I Didn't)

Technically, I voted for Trump.  But really, I voted AGAINST the contemptuous and sniveling governing elite and stupid media.  I always vote against all incumbents where there are no term limits.  But in voting for Trump, it really was a vote against the swamp, because there is really very little else to like about Trump except that he is a human wrecking ball.  I guess when you have a situation as bad as it is in Washington, DC, it takes a real SOB to shake things up.  And God bless him, Trump is that SOB.

Monday, May 29, 2017

224: The Drumbeat For Trump Goes On, Unabated

As I enjoy the Memorial Day holiday here in rural northern Minnesota, the only contact with the media circus comes through the internet, like a re-run of Meet The Press, on-line news programs from the Lib media, and of course articles from NYT from morons like Charles Blow.  Today, Mr. Blow called President Trump a "degenerate."  Can anyone imagine the uproar if BO had been referred to in the same terms as Trump?  People would lose their jobs.

Former officials from the BO administration fill the airwaves with dire opinions, reports, and stories from un-named, but highly placed sources.  It's no wonder that some of us, hell, lots of us, admire the new Montana representative that reacted to some twit reporter by tossing him on the ground.  I would love to see more idiotic talking heads (Chuck Todd) get slapped around.

The oh-so-lame, mainstream media has long abandoned any pretense of fairness or journalistic integrity.  It has simply declared war on Trump.  While I have repeatedly expressed my distaste for the President's personal style and proclivities, I nevertheless completely endorse his statements, actions, and policies that diminish the power of dishonest politicians and press.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

223: There Are Lots Of Stupid Questions

Whoever coined the phrase, "There is no such thing as a stupid question," obviously died before the advent of so-called "TV journalism."  I would venture to say that at least 90% of the questions put forward by these entertainers are stupid, inane, self-serving, and/or repetitive.  Oftentimes, the questions are not questions at all, but rather little speeches, full of editorializing.  Even after asking the question, the entertainers usually pay no attention to the answer.

I wish a guest would be honest, and say, "That's a really stupid question that doesn't deserve to be dignified by an answer."

Monday, May 22, 2017

222: Long Knives Out To Get Trump

A couple of weeks ago I commented on Twitter (I hate anyone who uses the word "tweet" as a verb) that the long knives were out to get Trump, and will not stop until he is politically dead.  Included in the knife wielding group are:  all Democrats, the entire federal bureaucracy, 98% of the broadcast, print and internet media, and all Republicans who oppose term limits.  This is a powerful group.  This is ruling political establishment that has kept itself ensconced in power by presenting the ruse that we have a two party political system.  This of course is pure bullshit.  The ruling political establishment orchestrates a game designed to empower and enrich itself.

At some level most ordinary Americans understand that the politicians and media are screwing us.   But as long as the politicians don't take too much of our money and resources, we seem to be able to tolerate the game.  We don't like being screwed, but we put with it.  Somehow, Trump tapped in to the long simmering dislike of the media and politicians.  Somehow, he got elected president.  And now the ruling political elite is having its raison d'etre exposed.

I do not have confidence that Trump will prevail over the elite.  Health care reform, tax reform, and regulatory reform will be the casualties.

Saturday, February 25, 2017

221: Thirty Days Of Trump

Ninety days after the election of DJT, and thirty days into his administration, things are pretty much as expected.  The Democrat party, which includes almost all of the national press corps and Hollywood and academia, has gone berserk.  Mainstream Republicans, like McCain and McConnell, are also trying to figure out how to hold on to their fiefdoms.

DJT has continued to pit himself against the sclerotic forces of runaway government intrusion into our lives and pocketbooks.  I do not understand his madman mentality, or his crude management style, but the fact that so many intellectual and political elites despise him just warms my heart.