Friday, May 10, 2019

230: Washington Freak Show

Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama, Trump.  Those are the presidents in my lifetime.  Here is my take:

Eisenhower - Although I was too young to form first hand impressions, I have studied Ike enough to know that he was the closest president to measure up to Washingtonian ideals than any other.

Kennedy - Mostly style; very little substance.  Assassination created the favorable JFK myth.

Johnson - Should have remained a school teacher.

Nixon - Machiavellian, dark, brilliant global thinker, tragic figure.

Ford - Good man, simple, not power hungry enough to retain power.

Carter - Too much moral superiority.

Reagan - A relief from Carter's stuffiness, and surrounded by lots of competent people.

Bush - The last statesman.  Should have been elected in 1980.

Clinton - The beginning of the end.  Billary was thoroughly corrupt in every sense, driven mad by thirst for power.

Bush II - Lot's of good qualities; got a bad rap for being dumb; got pushed around by Congress.

Obama - Without a doubt, the most unqualified person ever to be elected president.  If he was not half black, would never have been elected dog catcher.

Trump - Without first having Obama, would never have had Trump  This was a violent reaction to 8 years of feckless media attention to Obamamania.  Trump's personal style and monumental ego are disgusting, but I enjoy every second of his contempt and distain for all things Washington.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

229: Contempt FOR Congress

So Nadler and his band of merry Trump-hating Democrats are spewing venom about holding Trump in contempt of Congress.  Nobody cares.  The reason is that most of America has contempt for Congress, and rightly so.  These boobs and boobbettes rob us blind to make certain they continue to hold onto their cushy positions sucking up our resources as high-class welfare recipients.