Monday, July 25, 2022

238: Democracy Is A Sham

 Democracy in the USA is a broken down shambles.  We are now governed by "elected" officials and bureaucrats who live by different rules than they impose on the rest of us.  Government thinks it is entitled to an ever increasing share of our productivity and our wealth in order to support those who rule us.  Ignorant voters think that what liberty they have left comes from government.  Media guarantees the continued ignorance of the voters by feeding them a non-stop stream of propaganda, so that these ignorant votes will cede more and more of their liberty to the ruling class.  The ruling class creates nothing and produces nothing, save for the trappings of their own offices.

Friday, May 13, 2022

236: Stagflation

 So now we're left holding the bag for federal government's printing and spending and giving away many trillions of dollars.  Brandon calls it "Putin's inflation, gas tax, price hike," whatever.  Starting the Ukraine/Russia war was a brilliant move by our rulers to distract from all the real problems here at home, which is the government itself.  We simply have WAY too many layers of rulers ruling us, all because we don't want any personal responsibility.

In any given group of ten people, two are probably actually intelligent.  Another two or three are marginally capable of supporting themselves, but will always take a government handout.  The remaining five or six are just plain idiots.  If you need proof, just look at the morons we select to be our rulers - Brandon, Pelosi, McConnell, Schumer - they are all lifetime, blood-sucking leeches with no discernible other than taking money out of taxpayer pockets

235: Something Has To Give

After Sleepy Joe was elected and the Dems took control of our entire government (and our lives),  our rulers in Washington, D.C. decided to enact, by government fiat, what is called "human infrasturcture (HI)".   Before our rulers decided what HI actually was, they tossed around numbers that they wanted to spend.  First is was ten trillion dollars, then six, then three and a half, now about two.  It was never zero.  It was always trillions.  And it was always completely undefined.  And now the Republicans have bought into the con.  So it's off to the races.

Then there is the   Since the beginning of the Covid Panic, the Fed has "purchased" about six trillion dollars of assets (bonds and mortgage backed securities, I guess).  When I "purchase" something, I need either cash or a credit card, and if I use the cc, I have to pay the card at the end of the month.  Evidently, the FED creates $120 billion every month with a key stroke.  If you or I did that we would be put in jail.  

Who received the benefits of the six trillion dollars our rulers created and spent?  I guess I got some - PPP money and my stock portflio has gone up 50% (of course it could also go down 50% tomorrow).  Lots of peope got paid not to work and they apparently liked it, because they are not going back to work.  Of course the really BIG money goes to...