Wednesday, December 12, 2012

One Hundred Thirty Four: When We Went Over The Cliff

Grover Norquist is right:  the "fiscal cliff" is just a totally arbitrary date.  I actually think we went over the cliff (if you want to call it that) in a two step process.  The first step was when the Supremes upheld Obamacare.  That greased the runway for the second step, which was the reelection of BO.  After these two steps we are guaranteed to have government growth on a scale not seen since the creation of Medicare.  What all of this means is simply that more of workers output will be consumed by government, and government will be responsible for providing more services to individuals, which government does quite badly.  But this is what people seem to want.  They will continue to want it until it hurts so much that they demand something different.

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