Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Nineteen: Goodbye, Elliot (and good riddance)

So, another hypocrite bites the dust, and unfortunately all Elliot's victims are left with is ashes in their mouths, a bitter result. What goes around, comes around. Do unto others... Those who live in glass houses... What's good for the goose... The adages and folk wisdom seems so true, and in this case so apropos.

The press reported that Mrs. Spitzer was the party encouraging Elliot to try and stay in office. Where on earth do men find these women?

Monday, March 10, 2008

Eighteen: Hillary & Power

Most, if not all past U.S. presidents, and their families, have found the post-presidential years to be variously relaxing, fulfilling, fun, profitable, and stress-free (relatively speaking). Think of our recently retired presidents:

Clinton – globe-trotting speaker in search of six figure appearance fees to pay legal bills and replenish family finances. Also gets him away from Hillary, which comports with their notion of a “business marriage.”
Bush the Elder – spending time with family, parachuting, enjoying life.
Reagan – riding horses, enjoying life.
Carter – building houses, writing books, being a sanctimonious twit, enjoying life.
Ford – hitting people with golf balls, definitely enjoyed life.
Nixon – writing books, legacy repair.

After having what must be the most demanding job on the planet, ex-presidents (and their families) seek refuge wherever and however they can or wish. But not the Clintons. They want more. Why? One reason and one reason only. Power. Shear, unadulterated, unfettered, unadorned power. Bill of course, just wants to party, which comes with the power thing. But Hillary is driven and obsessed by her belief that only she can make decisions and allocate resources in the best interests of all Americans. It’s the same kind of thinking which allows her, for example, to at the end of the Texas debate say she is “honored” to be on stage with BO, and then less than 12 hours later, thrust a stiletto between his shoulder blades. It’s the same sort of thinking which allows Hillary to crow about her “lifetime of experience” (which incidentally consists of being a marginally competent lawyer, and then First Lady) while insinuating that BO has been teaching daycare his whole life, when in fact he has a much longer record of public office holding.

If Hillary is elected president, we will have the closest regime to a dictatorship than anything ever experienced before in the history of the U.S.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Seventeen: What Has Hillary Offerred Obama?

First Hillary just assumed that because she is smarter than 99% percent of the rest of us, the Democratic nomination would be handed to her as her political birth rite. Next, she assumed that because we are all desperate to have her idiot husband back in the White House, she would be showered with cash and endorsements, and any other interloper's campaign would shriver up for want of money and attention. Finally, she resorted to simply spewing outright lies about her record and Obama's which, of course, most Democrats believe (just like the "vast right wing conspiracy"). So far, the political judgment of the Clintons has proved amazingly (for them) unsuccessful.

But the Clinton arrogance and self-absorption knows no limits. After trying all of their other tactics, and unleashing all of their political attack dogs, they must certainly now be trying to buy off Obama. The question is: What are they offering him? VP? Cash? Guaranty of the 2016 nomination? You can bet your boots that Hillary has already tried extortion. So buying him off is really the only option left, provided of course that she does not somehow steal Ohio and Texas in the next 48 hours.

And after all, isn't this really the definition of politics, using public assets and resources for one's own personal gain? That is certainly the Clinton definition, of course justified by a smug sense of superiority.

Let's hope that 48 hours from now, this great country will finally get a reprieve from the Clinton curse.