Saturday, August 6, 2016

214: BO Is Afraid, And He Should Be

BO is now spending more time trying to convince the electorate that Trump is "unfit" to be president than BO is spending doing the job that BO is supposed to be doing.  Maybe that's because BO is THE most spectacularly unqualified person to ever be president.

If Trump is elected it will rightly be a repudiation of everything BO has done.  BO will be exposed for the intellectual fraud that he is.  But I highly doubt this dream scenario will happen.

I had breakfast today with three dear friends who can't see the forest for the trees.  They all get their opinions from MSNBC.  They think that snarky comments from persons like Rachel Maddow are profound.  What a pity.  If they would only read, instead of watching TV. perhaps they could use their brains and actually make an informed decision.  These friends are very typical of the American masses.  This is not going to end well.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

213: Who's Qualified To Be President?

BO burps out some claptrap about Trump being unqualified or unfit to be president.  The main stream media, in the bag for Hillary, puts out print, video, and every other kind of coverage it can to give credence to the "unfit Trump" narrative.  The vast majority of US citizens buy into the claptrap in the same way they think large banks and insurance companies and auto manufacturers "care" about them.  

BO set the bar for unfitness to be prez.  After BO, anyone with a pulse is qualified.

Monday, August 1, 2016

212: In The Arena

So BO thinks Hillary would be a good president because "she has been in the arena."  I guess BO is saying that Hillary, like BO, has never had a real job other than sucking the life blood out of taxpayers.  If BO had any knowledge of the real world, he would know that if anyone in this political process has been "in the arena," it's Trump.  Say what you will about him, but Trump has made his name a worldwide brand, and he has done it without taxpayer money.  He has also failed multiple times.  But this is what being "in the arena" means.  You take risks when you get "in the arena." Hillary obviously never risks anything.  She calculates what she should tell people she believes in to get votes.  Probably her only core belief is that she thinks she knows what is best for everyone else, so that her means justify her ends.  That's why she's such a good liar.