Friday, December 4, 2015

201: The Obama Syndrome

The disappearance of any trace of civility in the business of governing has its roots in the first Clinton administration.  I don't think it was Bill Clinton himself as much as it was his henchmen who viewed politics as "war."  I think Bill was just an awkward kid who couldn't get any decent sex until he got himself into a powerful position.  He didn't really care about any specific policies.  He just wanted people to like him.

The people around Bill however (led primarily by Hillary), developed the Clinton philosophy of, "I'm right, and if you don't agree with me, you're evil."  With a mentality like that, how are you ever going to have a rational, civil conversation between two parties with different beliefs?

The Obama Syndrome take the Clinton philosophy even further, and the Obama Syndrome is a direct extension of BO himself.  It has almost nothing to do with his henchmen.  The BO Syndrome is, "I'm right, and if you don't agree with me, you're stupid."

Evil people can be smart, so Clinton had to grudgingly respect his enemies.  But since BO's enemies are stupid, they are like gum on his shoe.

I don't see how rational, civil discourse ever returns to our politics.