Monday, March 5, 2007

Nine: MOT and Icahn

The last time I wrote about MOT was to compare Ed Zander's results to Nardelli at HD (Nardelli got fired for being a jerk while making a lot of money for stockholders and keeping the stock price essentially flat; Zander took over a telecom behemoth after it crashed with the dotcoms, and has made a bad situation into a nightmare).

Now, after Icahn recognized the tremendous locked up value in MOT and began building a stock position, the MOT board advises shareholders not to fall for Carl's proxy because "the board does not endorse it." That's like telling a mugger not to take your wallet because you don't want him to!

What I can't believe is that Blackstone, Texas Pacific, and KKR are messing around with utilities when low-hanging fruit like MOT is ripe for the taking.

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