Saturday, September 27, 2008

Forty One: Term Limits

Readers of this blog (I don't think there has ever been a "reader") will know this writer's penchant for a constitutional amendment to limit the number of terms for U.S. senators and representatives. Until this happens, no meaningful changes in the governance of this country will ever take place. As long as a position in the U.S. Congress is a "career" it is simply impossible for that body to make decisions based on the best interest of the country. The personal and constituent pressure to instead make decisions based on parochial or individual interest is overwhelming. Add to this the inherent selfishness and greed present in some individuals, and the result can be nothing less than disasterous. Witness the present economic debacle.

1 comment:

Brian Mongold said...

You have some valid points. Everyone is looking to get promoted or recognized, so it really the people's best interest?

Good entry. Keep posting and advertising your blog.

Good Luck,