Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Fifty One: Blago Speaks The Truth

If I were defending Blago, my defense would be The Truth. Everything that Blago allegedly said is true. Having the power to appoint a U.S. senator is a "valuable thing." And any politician who wields that power expects to "get something" in return. These are true facts that every adult knows to be true. Blago's mistake was getting caught uttering the truth on recordings made by the FBI. Of course Blago's other mistake was in pissing off practically every politican in Illinois with his particularly obnoxious brand of arrogance. But as to his supposed "corruption", I submit that virutally every poltician is "corrupt" in the sense that they never do anything in the public interest. They always do what is their own personal self interest and tell the voters bald-faced lies about their motivation. We all know this. If polticians were the selfless public servants they wish us to believe, we would have had term limits on Congress long ago. Instead, we have a House and Senate full of essentially high class welfar recipients.

Blago of course is screwed due to his stupidity. But he's no different from the rest of them.

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