Sunday, August 5, 2012

One Hundred Thirty Two: BO Reelction

Yesterday I had breakfast with two friends.  Both have every reason to want to see an end to any further BO governance, yet both hold deep resentment of Romney, apparently because he is wealthy.  They have both bought into mainstream Democratic propaganda that Romney did not earn his wealth, and therefore is somehow not qualified to lead the country.  On of these friends, has even decided that a Romney presidency would be somehow immoral, because it would be unfriendly to gays, women and racial minorities.  My friends are completely willing to accept the most blatant Democratic falsehoods, but apparently incapable to even listen to Republican ideas, and give them a fair hearing.

BO is here for two terms, and by the time he's finished, the growth of government and the shrinking of the private sector will have ruined much personal freedom.

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