Monday, January 28, 2013

One Hundred Thirty Six: The Stupid Just Keeps On Coming For Repubs

Eery news article I see about the professional Republicans indicates they are shocked, shocked! mind you, that BO is articulating a left-liberal agenda for his second term, and picking out a team of true believers, liars, scoundrels, and others Democrats to carry it out.  What the hell do you expect?  Of course he's going to move the country as far toward socialism as he possibly can.  That is who he is and what he believes.  The last time we had a president as committed to his own beliefs was Reagan. 

Personally, I believe that the ideas of BO are as dangerous as the ideas of Stalin or Hitler or Pol Pot.   If the professional Repubs actually believed in what they claim (smaller government) they would stand up to BO and win or lose like men, instead of the pussies they appear to be.

1 comment:

Craig said...

Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot?
Good grief.