Monday, February 29, 2016

205: Why We Have Trump

There could never have been Trump for president had we not first experienced Obama as president. BO set the precedent for electing a president based solely on appearance (black) and completely devoid of any executive experience for the most complicated executive office in the world.  Once elected, BO governed as a petulant college student who had never balanced a check book.  In the midst of the worst financial crisis of several generations, BO chose to expand the federal government's productivity crushing influence and control into health care and financial services at alarming rates.  There may well be only one person in the entire BO cabinet who knows to read a balance sheet, and that guy (Jack Lew) played a huge role in running Citi into the ditch.

Almost all of what Trump spews is anathema to the BO image and agenda.  Voters like that.  Thus, we have Trump precisely because we first had BO.

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