Monday, June 13, 2016

209: Storm Clouds

1.  We have a quasi-President who refers to ISIS as a "JV squad" as ISIS organizes and carries out terror missions globally.
2.  We have $17 trillion in US debt, $11 trillion of which has been incurred since BO took office.
3.  Stock markets are at or near all time highs.
4.  Interest rates for savers have been stuck at near zero for nine years, putting older Americans who have saved for a lifetime in the position of seeing their savings melt away.
5.  The likely next US Prez is a pathological liar.
6.  The demographic group of US citizens aged 50 and younger has no institutional memory of Vietnam, Nixon, or money market funds paying 19%.
7.  The same above mentioned demographic group is inter-and-intra-connected 24/7, yet cannot communicate in complete sentences or correct, like, you know, grammar.
8.  The US has one lawyer for every 433 persons, which is three times the number of lawyers in Great Britain, which is swarming with lawyers, and has three times the number of lawyers as Japan.
9.  Institutional money managers of pension funds invest in companies that have NO EARNINGS.
10.  The Chicago Cubs are in first place by ten games.


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