Monday, May 22, 2017

222: Long Knives Out To Get Trump

A couple of weeks ago I commented on Twitter (I hate anyone who uses the word "tweet" as a verb) that the long knives were out to get Trump, and will not stop until he is politically dead.  Included in the knife wielding group are:  all Democrats, the entire federal bureaucracy, 98% of the broadcast, print and internet media, and all Republicans who oppose term limits.  This is a powerful group.  This is ruling political establishment that has kept itself ensconced in power by presenting the ruse that we have a two party political system.  This of course is pure bullshit.  The ruling political establishment orchestrates a game designed to empower and enrich itself.

At some level most ordinary Americans understand that the politicians and media are screwing us.   But as long as the politicians don't take too much of our money and resources, we seem to be able to tolerate the game.  We don't like being screwed, but we put with it.  Somehow, Trump tapped in to the long simmering dislike of the media and politicians.  Somehow, he got elected president.  And now the ruling political elite is having its raison d'etre exposed.

I do not have confidence that Trump will prevail over the elite.  Health care reform, tax reform, and regulatory reform will be the casualties.

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