Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Fifty Nine: Melissa Bean Promotes "Spending"

The following quote comes from Melissa Bean's official website.

“This bold action is necessary to preserve and create jobs and spending.”

The "bold action" to which she is referring is the $819 billion so-called "Stimulus" bill passed by the US House of Reps last week. As I read Melissa's quote, she wants to create spending. How does one "create spending" you may ask? Well, in government-speak, I guess you just turn on the printing presses and print money and give it to people who are likely to spend it, i.e, Democrats. What will Democrats spend this money on? Who cares, Melissa says, just spend the bloody stuff. Spend it on Chinese crap. Spend it on campaign contributions. Spend it on producing more MBAs who can dream up things like "collaterlized debt obligations." And most importantly, spend it on increasing the size of government, which Melissa says is answer to the problems which government has created.

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