Tuesday, September 3, 2013

145: Trying To Stay Positive

This business of staying positive in life is becoming a tricky affair.  Obviously as one ages, biology continues its relentless path toward decay and death.  Concurrently with the (hopefully) slow degradation of one's physical self, there is the tendency to see everything around us in parallel decline, for example the conduct of politics and business, which seem to be increasing connected.  In my adult lifetime and opinion, only Ronald Reagan and George Bush The Elder had any of the redeeming qualities of founding fathers.  These past five years of BO have been nothing less than disastrous, both economically and socially.  He has permanently defined the presidency as an office of social welfare administration, rather than an executive leading a nation.  Given the absence of anything resembling leadership in his background, this is understandable.  JFK is the only other non-executive I personally observed who occupied the White House, but at least he was raised by a strong executive, and he had military experience.

Our leaders today are influenced too much by their feminine side.  They are afraid to act.

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