Tuesday, September 10, 2013

146: Will BO Bomb Syria?

The answer to the title question and the Syrian issue overall is very simple:  Other than Syrians and Washington media, who cares?  Now take Washington media out of the equation and it gets even simpler.  This is an internal state issue that concerns a small country in a region of the world that most Americans could never find on a globe.  So why the hell has our national government been paralyzed and overwhelmed for a full two weeks on this issue?  Don't we still have millions of unemployed and underemployed citizens?  Don't we have an economy propped up only by relentless money printing by a runaway central bank beholden to government growth?  Don't we have a tax collection behemoth agency sticking its nose into places it has no business looking?  Don't we have a public education system that exists mostly for the benefit of teachers and administrators instead of children?  Don't we have a federal aristocracy (been known as the Senate and House of Reps) that desperately needs term limits?

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