Monday, October 28, 2013

152: Insurance - The Biggest Ripoff Of All Time

This year my insurance premiums for homeowner and auto insurance are up 23% and 12%, receptively.  Why?  Have you ever asked an insurance agent your premiums have skyrocketed?  If you are a complete moron and have never asked, the answers you will are these.  "Replacement costs have gone up.  That hurricane was a doozy.  We increased your coverage.  It's a feature of your policy."  The one answer you absolutely will never hear is, "I don't have the foggiest idea.  All I know is the home office increases premiums every year no matter what happens."  But you'll never hear that because the insurance agent is even a bigger moron than you are.

Actually insurance companies from time to time try to buy their way into certain markets.  So you just have to shop like crazy to get the best rates every year.  Staying loyal to an insurance company is liking trusting a politician.

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