Wednesday, October 30, 2013

154: BO Says It's All Republicans' Fault

I am often confounded by which of two character traits dominate the thoughts and behavior of BO - arrogance or immaturity.  On the one hand, he refuses to ever reach out those with different opinions or perspectives, since he is supremely self-assured of his own wisdom and intelligence (like forcing passage of BObamacare with zero Republican support).  Then, when the country or the world does not conform to his delusions of grandeur, he stamps his feet and whines, "The Republicans are not cooperating and letting me do what I want." 

Obviously, in order to get to high office, one needs to be self-confident.  But without any trace or idea of what humility is, a person will ultimately fail.  Just like BO, or Tiger Woods, or Jimmy Swaggart, or Jon Corzine.

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