Tuesday, October 7, 2014

173: Presidents In My Lifetime

The presidents in my lifetime are: Truman, Ike, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush the Elder, Clinton, Bush the Younger, BO.  The first four I was too young to judge personally, although I have studied them all through biographies.  The last nine I have personally observed in adulthood, and also studied through books.  In my view only two of them were excellent presidents - Truman and Reagan.  Bush the Elder, Ford and Ike all meant well, and rank in the above average range.  Carter, Clinton, Bush the Younger, and BO were (in order) psychological, societal, intellectual, and pathological disasters.  Johnson wanted to be great, but was too damn resentful.  Nixon was, and remains, a true enigma.

When I examine the leaders chosen in our democracy, I wonder if we might not be better off with a little less of it.

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