Wednesday, October 8, 2014

174: Hurray For Hank Greenberg

My hat is off to Hank Greenberg for having the guts and courage to force Paulson, Geithner, and Bernanke into a public forum to answer for their combined actions from 2007 onwards.  Hank may or may not win his lawsuit, and Larry, Moe and Curly (Hank Paulson, Ben, and Timmy) may or may not have properly or correctly gambled with the entire US Treasury and US economy, but at least the Three Stooges will have to appear in front of the public and answer the questions they evaded since their reckless actions.

The Stooges always justify their self-serving actions by saying that without their combined acts we would have had another Great Depression.  I doubt this very much.  But how could one ever know?  The Stooges acted before they needed to.  They panicked.  But what the hell, it wasn't their money.

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