Thursday, November 10, 2016

220: Open Letter to Libs

To Charles Blow, David Remmick, E.J. Dionne, Eugene Robinson and the rest of the "educated" elite class of New York-Washington judgmental hacks:  Get over it.  To quote an educated man, "Elections have consequences."  You fear for your country?  So did we if the country had gone from the arrogant and inept Obama to the evil and corrupt Clinton.

Now there is a slight chance of allowing American ingenuity and business to do what it does best - innovate and create jobs to improve the standard of living for all Americans do good in the world.  We "deplorables" will ignore you intellectually dishonest partisans who think anyone who disagrees with you is ignorant and racist.  We will ignore your hate-filled invective that now fills your worthless columns.  Or better yet, I'll use them to line my cat's litter box.  That's where your words belong.

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