Sunday, October 11, 2009

Seventy Nine: Blog Change

Since no one apparently has ever read this Blog, I am going to change it from something which is written to be read, to something which I write simply to write. Also, it occurs to me that Google will almost certainly do a better job of filing and saving these thoughts than I can or will. Currently, I have journals, both electronic and handwritten, in several different locations. If anyone ever wanted to use these for whatever reason, I would be quite a chore to collect and organize them.

I am at Ham Lake, which is just outside of Nevis and Akeley, MN. This morning it is 28F at 6AM, and cloudy. Although earlier it must have been somewhat cloudless, because I was awakened at 4.40AM by the mooning in our bedroom window.

Compared to yesterday, this is starting out much better, weatherwise. Yesterday was 22F at 6AM with 25-30 mph winds. The night before that we had a snowstorm which left everything snow-covered. Lake is still open.

I just realized that yesterday was the fourteenth anniversary of Mom's date of death. One of the biggest regrets I have in my life, is not being a better son. Both of my parents were wonderful, and I failed to a large degree at both returning their love and affection, and also at developing the potential which they gave me. This is something to remember in my relationships with Andy and Pete. When I am gone from this earth, the only potential last effect of my existence will be the memories those boys have.

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